Media Release

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Today, the leaders of two major Canadian industries, Catherine Cobden, President and CEO of the Canadian Steel Producers Association and Jean Simard, President and CEO of the Aluminium Association of Canada, released the following joint statement as they released their detailed submissions to the Government of Canada:

“Our industries have been engaging government officials and parliamentarians during the consultation period of July 2nd to August 1st on potential policy responses to unfair Chinese trade practices in electric vehicles and its supply chain. In our respective submissions, both the steel and aluminium industries lay out a thoughtful case for why the Government of Canada should use Section 53 of the Custom Tariff Act to impose at least a 25% tariff on all melted and poured Chinese steel and aluminium entering Canada and issue a tariff package that is fully aligned in scope and quantum with final US Section 301 tariffs.

“Last week, we welcomed the announcement and comments by the Leader of His Majesty’s Loyal Opposition, Pierre Poilievre, which clearly recognized the devastating impact of Chinese overcapacity on Canadian jobs and similarly articulated our calls for alignment with our largest trading partners to combat unfair trade from China. We urgently seek support from all parties in the House of Commons for strong and immediate government action to counter the impacts of China’s excess capacity of steel and aluminium in the North American market.

“The time to act is now, to implement a holistic approach including steel and aluminium and electric vehicles in a single tariff package aligned with our largest trading partner. By failing to act, Canada risks becoming a dumping ground for China’s high carbon steel and aluminum, risking Canadian jobs and prosperity.

“Our industries will continue to engage members of every political party to caution them on the clear and present danger that state sponsored capacity from China brings our industries, our workers and the communities we support.”


CSPA/ACPA submission document

AAC submission document

About the Canadian Steel Producers Association

The Canadian Steel Producers Association is the national voice of Canada's primary steel and the pipe and tube industry, dedicated to ensuring a competitive and sustainable business environment for its members and supply chain stakeholders. Canadian steel producers are integral to Canada's economy and a vital supplier to many segments of North American industry, including the automotive, energy, construction, and transportation sectors.

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